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Café Launches with lunch

28 May 2021

Café Launches with lunch for builders, trusts and partners today. It was great fun to see and thank all of those who supported our project. Jen and her great volunteer team made teas and amazing coffees (probably the best coffees in Tamworth?) and then a beautiful lunch. Now try it for yourselves from this Monday […]


HoT Café blessed by Bishop Stephen

25 May 2021

New area Bishop in Staffordshire, Bishop Stephen, came to the HoT café to bless the new facilities. It was a case of ‘HoT hit by holy water’. Parishioners came and were delighted with the facilities in anticipation of it opening on May 31st. Our thanks to Bishop Stephen. The café was built with the help […]

Sacred Heart Community Centre

Opened for Christmas

04 January 2021

While not completely finished, hundreds of people saw the work on the HoT Café being near to completion when they visited Sacred Heart in the last two weeks. The photos tell most of the story – an wonderful facility that will serve the community for many years to come. Lots are asking about when the […]


Getting it out there

17 December 2020

Well done to everyone involved in distributing hampers around the town. 250 will be leaving from Sacred Heart this week but as a result of numerous organisations working together including HoT, Foodbank, Community Together and St John’s parish. However, they could only distribute what people and businesses have donated. So a big thank-you to the […]


Creating Connected Communities – Building Update

03 December 2020

Work has progressed really well. As you can see from the pictures, we are in the last throes of the work as electrics are being completed and walls painted. We have yet to install lighting bollards in the car park, complete the kitchen and install the furniture. Nearly there! Thank you for all your support […]


Supporting Tamworth’s homeless community

03 December 2020

Heart of Tamworth will again be supporting Tamworth’s homeless community over the winter, in conjunction with Community Together CIC and Starfish Project and in association with Tamworth Borough Council. Whilst because of Covid we will not be providing a shelter, we will be offering help to homeless people in the form of befriending, hot meals […]

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